Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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School Meals

At Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School, all children have access to a hot lunch cooked by Educaterers.  

Daily menus are provided over a four-week rotation and children choose each day which option they would like.  We also offer a jacket potato option and a salad bar which the children enjoy accessing themselves.  

We have a partial cooking kitchen on site, and part of the meal is provided hot from Eastlands Primary School.  We have a dedicated team in the kitchen who work very hard to ensure the children can enjoy a nutritionally balanced meal every day.  

Universal Free School Meals

The Universal School Meals are provided free of charge to every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes as part of the government initiative.  Children can choose from 3 options each day from a very exciting menu or opt to have a mixture of hot school dinners or a packed lunch provided from home.

Children in KS2 can opt to pay to have a catered meal or bring in a packed lunch from home.

Everyone enjoys their meals together in the dining hall, where they are supervised by our lunchtime supervisors.   

Free School Meals

For families on income support or other benefits, there is an option to apply for a Free School Meal - this is relevant to children in all year groups from Reception to Year 6.  There is still an option to choose to provide a packed lunch from home.  A packed lunch for trips and visits will be provided.   

Any child registered for Free School meals also receives additional funding which is provided directly to the school to help with their education.   This money is used at the discretion of the school, but can be used to provide additional class-based support, specific resources to support an educational need and subsidise the cost of trips and visits and residential trips.   

For further details on what is available and how to apply - please contact the school office.

See below for a sample menu:

Educaterers - Click on the link for more information