Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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Sports Day 2023 #TEAM# Together Everyone Achieves More

Monday 10th July was an active day, as we held our annual Sports Day. We had very lucky weather, with the rain coming right at the end of the day! All children, across all teams, got to take part in a variety of sporting activities; ranging from high jump, standing long jump, javelin, archery to obstacle races and sprints.

It was a fantastic day, with the children performing brilliantly.

They displayed determination, perseverance and a great amount of effort.

The results were as follows

The results were as follows:

Overall results:

Well done to Yellow House, who managed a clean sweep of the winning trophy!

Thank you to all the staff (and Onside) who helped, the parents for attending and children for performing to the best of their ability. The school would also like to thank our Year 6 helpers (house captains and active ambassadors, for scoring the events throughout the day even as they were participating!

Teams were awarded points on where they finished the races (10 points for 1st, 7 for 2nd, 5 for 3rd and 1 for participating. Each teams total was then combined with the rest of their houses score to form an overall total.