Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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Year 1

Truthfulness- the quality of being honest and not telling lies

Welcome to Year 1.  The Year 1 team look forward to working with you and your child in order to achieve their best. A letter with all the new routines will be sent home in the first week and then there will be a, "Meet the Parents," talk after school on 10th September. One of the priorities in Year 1 will be the 2025 Phonics Screening in June so please continue to practise identifying phonemes in reading books and segment/blend to decode words. Your child will bring home their Little Wandle reading book soon so please enjoy it together! Should you have any worries or questions, please dojo me to chat or book an appointment. The Year 1 Team are always willing to listen and help.


Autumn 1

 We will explore the book, "Beegu," by Alexis Deacon.

This 'out of this world book' is a wonderful story time read aloud for key stage 1 children. Beegu is from another world and somehow gets lost on Earth. Lonely and confused, she wanders off to a nearby city to find some friends.


As usual, we unpack the story slowly, exploring its features


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called,

"Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too. At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2024.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2025.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.



We will use the scheme, Power Maths. Our Units will be:

  • Numbers to 10
  • Part-whole within 10
  • Addition and Subtraction within 10 (1)
  • Number Bonds:

    Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

    It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

    It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

    Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Science We will explore Everyday Materials. We will look at different materials and their properties. We will sort and investigate. We will find out why certain materials are used to make  particular objects. We will learn about transparent and opaque materials and those that are absorbent and waterproof. We will carry out investigations about floating and sinking. We will learn about past and present significant scientists and how their work and inventions are relevant to our lives today.
History We will look at the history of Toys. We will bring in toys for a Pop Up Museum and make a timeline using past and present toys from our families. We will link this with our Science and think about how toys have been made. We will explore how toys have changed over time and why. We will learn about toy designers and makers.

Using the Understanding Christianity Syllabus

Unit 1.1 - God

Key Question: What do Christians believe God is like?

This investigation enables pupils to think about how the Bible can be used in human attempts to understand the nature of God. Christians believe that the Bible reveals what God is like and that he is worth being friends with – more than that, he is worth worshipping! Christians use the stories of Jesus in various ways. Jesus’ parables have been a source of comfort, inspiration and challenge for centuries.

PSHE We use the Jigsaw scheme of work. Our first Unit is: Being Me in my World. We discuss how we are all special but different; we learn about feeling safe and that our classroom is a safe place to learn. We learn about rights, feelings, rules and rewards  and how to work with others. We learn about charters. We will also use the Protective Behaviours Scheme of work to think about our right to staying safe.
PE Our hour-long PE sessions are twice a week-Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit that is named. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and in cold weather has a plain hoodie and joggers to keep warm as sometimes PE is outside. Like wise, if it is hot, please apply sun cream before school and check your child has a sunhat. The children start with PE skills and learn how to work as a team.
Autumn 2

We will explore the book, "Leaf," by Sandra Dieckmann.

 When a polar bear named Leaf arrives unexpectedly in the woods, the other animals fear and avoid him. They automatically think he is dangerous ...


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called,

"Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too. At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2024.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2025.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.


We use the scheme Power Maths. Our Units will be:

  • Addition and Subtraction within 10 (2)
  • 2D and 3D shapes
  • Numbers to 20
  • Number Bonds:

    Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

    It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

    It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

    Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Science We  continue to explore Everyday Materials. We will look at different materials and their properties. We will sort and investigate. We will find out why certain materials are used to make  particular objects. We will learn about transparent and opaque materials and those that are absorbent and waterproof. We will carry out investigations about floating and sinking. We will learn about past and present significant scientists and how their work and inventions are relevant to our lives today.
Geography We explore Our School and the Local Area. We will draw a map of our classroom. We will look at and design symbols. We will draw a map of inside and outside the school and describe a route using compass directions, right and left. We will walk around the village and then draw a map with a key and symbols. We will use maps, atlases and Google Earth. We will look at aerial photos and talk about the use of drones.

Using the Understanding Christianity Syllabus

Unit 1.3 - Incarnation

Key Question: Why does Christmas matter to Christians?


This investigation enables pupils to appreciate how God’s rescue plan starts with the birth of Jesus. Christians use the birth stories not only to guide them in their celebrations at Christmas, but also to remind them about the place of Jesus in the ‘Big Story’ of God’s relationship with humans. Jesus is the saviour and rescuer, whose birth was prophesised but came to pass in unexpected ways, amongst the poor.

Using the Understanding Christianity Syllabus

Unit 1.3 - Incarnation

Key Question: Why does Christmas matter to Christians?


This investigation enables pupils to appreciate how God’s rescue plan starts with the birth of Jesus. Christians use the birth stories not only to guide them in their celebrations at Christmas, but also to remind them about the place of Jesus in the ‘Big Story’ of God’s relationship with humans. Jesus is the saviour and rescuer, whose birth was prophesised but came to pass in unexpected ways, amongst the poor.

PSHE Celebrating Difference. We learn that everyone is different and being kind is the best way to be. We learn about what to do if you are bullied.
PE Our hour-long PE sessions are twice a week-Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit that is named. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and in cold weather has a plain hoodie and joggers to keep warm as sometimes PE is outside. The children  consolidate PE skills and learn how to work as a team.


Spring 1


We explore the book," Traction Man," by Mini Grey.

Traction man is a brilliant take on classic superhero stories. With his army boots and battle pants, he's ready to take on any adventure around the house.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called,

"Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too. At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2024.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2025.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.


In Power Maths we will be learning about:

Addition and Subtraction within 20

Numbers to 50

Number Bonds:

Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Science We will be studying -Animals including Humans. We will be looking at living/non-living things, identifying and classifying, invertebrates/invertebrates, diet, teeth, senses and the human body.
History We will be studying Kings and Queens of Britain. We will use a timeline to explore a variety of monarchs and what makes a good monarch. We will compare the lives of Queen Elizabeth l and ll. We will enjoy looking at our local Kenilworth Castle and its history. We will invite a Drama Company in to dramatise KIng John and the Magna Carta.
PSHE What is Bullying? We will look at what bullying actually is as many children become confused over this in the playground.
PE Our hour-long PE sessions are twice a week-Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit that is named. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and in cold weather has a plain hoodie and joggers to keep warm as sometimes PE is outside. The children  consolidate PE skills and learn how to work as a team.


Spring 2

We will explore the book, " Robot and the Bluebird," by David Lucas.

High on top a pile of rubbish sits a lonely Robot with a broken heart. Then one winter's day, a Bluebird appears, fighting against the freezing wind. When the Robot offers her a home in the empty space where his heart used to be, neither of them can predict what astonishing things will happen. Together the newfound friends set off on a memorable journey that will change them both.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called,

"Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.



We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too. At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2024.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2025.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.



In Power Maths we will be learning:

Length and Height

Weight and Volume

Number Bonds:

Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Science We will be studying - Plants. We will identify plants and a variety of trees, discussing the difference between evergreen and deciduous. We will grow a bean plant and observe its germination and continued growth. We will look at parts of a plant. We will make observational scientific drawings. We will look at what a plant needs to grow healthily.
Geography We explore Our Country. We look at countries of the UK and their capitals, the seas, landmarks and human and physical features. We use aerial photos. We take a walk around the local area using routes and directions. We use maps, atlases and Google ear
PSHE We will look at the theme: What do I do about Bullying? We will look at the kindness of working with other people and what to do if you or someone is being bullied.
PE Our hour-long PE sessions are twice a week-Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit that is named. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and in cold weather has a plain hoodie and joggers to keep warm as sometimes PE is outside. Like wise, if it is hot, please apply sun cream before school and check your child has a sunhat. The children start with PE skills and learn how to work as a team.


Summer 1

We will explore the book, "Lila and the Secret of the Rain, " by David Conway.

Lila is so worried that when her grandfather whispers to her the secret of making the rain fall, she decides to do something about it — even if it means confronting the sky itself. Lila's quest to save the village is beautifully told in David Conway's elegant, sparse prose.

As usual, we unpack the story slowly, exploring its features


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called, “ Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too.At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2023.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2024.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.


In Power Maths we will:




Position and Direction

Number Bonds:

Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

Science We will explore the theme: Contrasting Coastal Animals and Plants. We will identify and sort coastal animals and plants and understand why they are adapted to their habitat. Then we will compare contrasting animals and plants. We will make scientific drawings and make relief prints in clay that will be fired and glazed by a local school.
History We will look at The History of Nursing and the NHS. We will learn about significant nurses and why a person is significant. We will learn about the history of the NHS. We will look at remembering people from the past and design a monument. We will invite a nurse in to tell us about their role.
PSHE We will explore Making Friends. What makes a good friend? How can we solve problems? We learn how to give and receive compliments.
PE Our hour-long PE sessions are twice a week-Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit that is named. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and in cold weather has a plain hoodie and joggers to keep warm as sometimes PE is outside. Like wise, if it is hot, please apply sun cream before school and check your child has a sunhat. The children start with PE skills and learn how to work as a team.
Summer 2

In English, we will be exploring the  exciting book, “ The Secret of Black Rock,” by Joe Todd-Stanton.


This surreal modern folk-tale tells the story of an adventurous young girl who must protect a peaceful living creature. Erin loves to lie on the jetty, looking for the weirdest fish in the sea -- the weirder, the better! And she knows the best ones must be further out, where her mum won't let her go ... Out there in the deepest sea lies the Black Rock: a huge, dark and spiky mass that is said to destroy any boats that come near it! Can Erin uncover the truth behind this mysterious legend?

As usual, we unpack the story slowly, exploring its features


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme  called, “ Little Wandle.”

Books will be allocated according to your child’s ability in phonics after regular assessment every 6 weeks. The books will be sent home on a Thursday so that you can support your child to read and understand the book. Ask your child to decode any unknown words using their phonics skills and to use their prosody when reading aloud (expression/rhythm, stress and intonation). Ask them questions about the text and also use inference about the characters, setting and plot. Ask them about feelings and emotions! Does he/she know any other similar characters from any other stories? Please make sure the book is returned to school on the following Monday as is the only book that will be used between school and home. Please make a comment in the diary as usual. Your child will be heard read 3 times a week in a small group, sometimes individually for consolidation. Ideally, hear him/her read daily even if it is for 10-15 minutes and always choose a calm time of the day when you have time! No TV! Does the book remind your child of any similar ones that they have read? Do they know any more books by the same author? Flashcards of High Frequency words to read will be given to some children for extra support. These will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned the following Thursday for replenishment. Library books will be given out and changed on a Friday. Reading is fundamental to your child’s learning so please prioritise it! Our Phonics Screening is  this month, June, so daily reading is obviously vital to your child’s progress and success.


We use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme called, “Little Wandle”. The children will become much more confident in independently applying their knowledge of phonics and key words in their reading and writing if they are supported at home, too.At present, we are learning Phase 5.We have a 30 minute Phonics lesson every day and some children have individual and group Intervention on a daily basis to catch-up. Home Learning will be sent home on a Thursday that will support his/her phonics learning.

Your child will be screened in their phonics during the  second week of June 2023.If he/she does not achieve the required score of normally 32/40, a further screening is carried out in June 2024.


Our spellings link with Little Wandle Phonics and a Spelling sheet with weekly spellings on will be sent out each half term. These spellings do feature that week or from a past week  in our daily Phonics lessons so he/she will have had some experience of them. Please support your child to prepare for their Friday Spelling Test- it really helps with his/her confidence when spelling independently. Some children will receive a different spelling sheet that contains more simple High Frequency words or words with a similar pattern. The children bring home their test for you to see. Please practise any spellings that your child found difficult.



In our Power Maths Scheme, we will be focusing on:

  •  Numbers to 100-  10s and 1s, partitioning, bonds, comparing and  ordering, and problem solving  
  •  Time
  •  Money

Please support your child with any Home Learning that will consolidate our work in class. It is so important for their confidence.

Number Bonds:

Number bonds are vital for a child to know, eg 2+8=10, 8+2=10, etc and 10-1=9, 10-9=1 etc. In Year 1 we learn facts to 10 and 20 including subtraction facts, eg 1+9=10 so 11+9-20 or 1+19=20 and 10-1=9 so 20-1=19  10-9=1 20-9=11 etc. Can he/she recognise patterns and relationships between bonds to 10, 20 and even 100? e.g. 10-1=9 and 100-10=90. etc.  Please continue to display the A4 number bonds to 10 and 20 sent home. 

It is essential that your child can partition numbers within 10, e.g. 7=4+3, 3+4, 6+1. 1+6, etc. These quick, recall facts really do help your child to understand and apply their number skills.

It is important that your child recognises patterns and relationships in numbers so please count aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child, backwards and forwards, and write out the patterns. Go past 100. Begin to ask your child simple division questions, eg how many lots of 10 in 40? Use your fingers as resources.

Don’t forget to enjoy clips/songs on YouTube about number bonds to 10, 20 and 100


Our theme is: The Seaside

We will recap on our past learning about the UK and the seas. We will identify coastal towns and focus on Hunstanton, Norfolk. We will learn about routes and directions and use aerial maps to identify human and physical features of seasides.  


Our whole school project: Textiles

We will explore designing, cutting, joining and decorating fabrics to make a hand puppet. The theme is “The Coronation,” so the puppets will be kings and Queens. We will evaluate our work and also look at past and present famous hand puppets. There will be a Pop-Up DT Exhibition in July for family and friends to visit.


This Half Term we continue to use the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus with a focus on Christianity, Sikhism and Islam

Unit 1.5

Key Question: What makes some places sacred?


This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about places of worship for Christians, Sikhs and Muslims. Pupils will have the opportunity to act as detectives answering their own questions about places of worship, what they are used for and their significance in the local community. We  will visit a Sikh gurdwara in Leamington to support our learning. The investigation implements the principal aim of RE, which is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.



We will use the, “ Relationship, Health and Sex Education,” scheme.  This is defined as: “lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage and family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.”

We will also think about our important British Values in society and how they make us a good citizen within our country.

PE PE is twice a week on a Monday and Wednesday so please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school, including a sun hat, on these two days and that all items of clothing are named. The children often work outside so if the weather is hot please apply suncream before school. Please remember water bottles, too, for hydration.